People who work
with children
must know how
to protect them.
Right now,
they simply don’t.
Our Collective Experience Project is bringing the voices of adults with lived experience of child sexual abuse to decision-makers who can help children today.
Survivors of child sexual abuse know what could have kept them safe, and what can keep children safe today. It’s time we listen to them.
There is so much wisdom in this community of people who have suffered what no child should ever face. This knowledge and insight should be embedded into mandatory child abuse prevention education for all adults working with children.
What can protect children today.
We’re calling on the Federal Government to include mandatory education on child sexual abuse and how it can be prevented, within the Working With Children Check program that all adults who work with children must obtain. It is a simple change that can have an enormous impact in promoting the safety of children.
After surveying hundreds of child sexual abuse survivors, we consistently heard that they wished adults around them had noticed unsafe adults, signs they were being groomed and abused by them, as well as how to speak to them, and responded to a disclosure of abuse with compassion.
Many said that adults failed them in ways that meant the abuse was able to continue to occur, unchecked. Right now, a Working With Children Check includes zero education, while you need a day of learning and a passed test to receive a certificate to pour a beer at a pub full of adults. Our children deserve more than that.
Right now, the Working With Children Check is being reviewed, and work to nationally harmonise it is in progress.
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Every child has adults in their life with a Working with Children Check.
All children and young people deserve this Check to be meaningful and effective in keeping them safe. Here, you can find more information about the education we are asking for.
Need support?
If you are aware of a child who is being abused and is not safe, contact the Child Protection Services in your area or ring 000.
If you or someone you care about is living with the effects of sexual abuse and violence, there is information and support available. Visit the BlueKnot Foundation or ring them on 1300 657 380. You can also contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.
“As survivors, we know what could have helped us, we know what hurt us.”
Our call for mandatory child protection education comes from our report, Hear us now, act now.
It is based off the insights of over 360 survivors and those close to them, from the survivor-named Our Collective Experience Project. Efforts to protect children from abuse, which do not centre the wisdom of people who were abused as children themselves, are fundamentally limited in their effectiveness.
We encourage you to download, read and share this report with people you know who may be interested in the protection of children. The content of the report, which includes extensive quotes from survivors, is very powerful.
But also be aware that it may affect you as you read it. Seek out support if you find that it makes you feel distressed or upset. There are helplines in the report itself.
“Unlike the Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate, there is no requirement for holders of a WWCC to be trained to understand anything about the issue that the WWCC is trying to address – the safety and protection
of children”
Our call for mandatory child protection education comes from our report, Hear us now, act now.
This report is the second in the Our Collective Experience Project, a project led and informed by survivors of child sexual abuse. The purpose of this report is to examine the existing WWCC scheme more closely and the potential role that mandatory training could have in improving the protection of children. The report provides an overview of what WWCCs are; how they are managed across different states and territories; the findings of previous reviews of the WWCC schemes; and a timeline of media reporting that points to recent WWCC failures.
We encourage you to download, read and share this report with people you know who may be interested in the protection of children. The content of the report, which includes extensive quotes from survivors, is very powerful.
But also be aware that it may affect you as you read it. Seek out support if you find that it makes you feel distressed or upset. There are helplines in the report itself.
Child sexual abuse is a serious crime with significant life course consequences.
The statistics are horrendous.
“Every story of survival is different.
Uniquely devastating, but also uniquely powerful in its
capacity to change the world, when it is heard.
As people with lived experience of child sexual abuse,
we are asking you: hear us now, and act now.”
Emma Hakansson, Survivor and Child Protection Advocate
“I wish adults protected me…
I wish they saw what was happening to me…
I wish they were educated themselves.”
Survivor and survey respondent
Key report findings
At its heart, the problem of child sexual abuse is for adults to solve – not children.
This video presents the key findings from the report, which support our call for mandatory education on child sexual abuse and how it can be prevented within the Working With Children Check program.
A Project
with Emma.
“There is a lot of scar tissue on my heart, and there are a lot of people walking around with the same scar tissue on their hearts – there are a lot of people who have survived child sexual abuse.”
Emma Hakansson, Survivor and Child Protection Advocate
Emma Hakansson is a young adult who was sexually abused when she was a child.
Emma is driven through her own experience to make a difference for children who may be suffering abuse today and to make sure they are understood and protected.
This project has been inspired by her courage and determination.
Emma approached the Australian Childhood Foundation in 2016, offering her knowledge and wisdom to help develop a survivor-informed community education program.
The aim is to give adults a clearer understanding of what they need to know and do to keep children safe from sexual abuse.
Emma’s story is powerful and deeply moving. Like many survivors of abuse, Emma’s lived experience gives her unique insights into what could have helped stop the abuse when it was occurring.
She also knows what could have been done to support her more after the abuse was discovered.
Emma is clear that survivors of abuse and their friends, families and supporters have so much to contribute in developing more effective ways to keep children safe.
Key Milestones
In 2022, Emma shared her story, in her own words.
Music by Edvard Hakansson. Videography by Saxall Video & Animation.
Get involved
There are many ways for anyone to be involved.
You can spread awareness by sharing this campaign on social media or lending your voice to the Project by emailing the Ministers who can drive this change.
You can also help promote the resources in your community when it is the right time.
Stay up to date with Our Collective Experience Project in the media.
Need support?
If you are aware of a child who is being abused and is not safe, contact the Child Protection Services in your area or ring 000.
If you or someone you care about is living with the effects of sexual abuse and violence, there is information and support available. Visit the BlueKnot Foundation or ring them on 1300 657 380.
You can also contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.