
Safe Connections

We provide therapeutic support to children and young people aged between 8-17 years who engage in Harmful Sexual Behaviour. We deliver this program in Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs.We provide:

  • Assessment and therapeutic counselling sessions.
  • Tailored individual support plans and safety planning.
  • Support for family and carers to promote ongoing healing.
  • Develop and implement safety plans.
  • Secondary consultation, workshops and training.

To support families outside of these areas we provide phone support and consultations to professionals and family members including safety planning. We also deliver workshops across the NT. We have developed resources to support conversations about Harmful Sexual Behaviour with people living in remote communities.

Please contact intakeNT@childhood.org.au for further information.

Bringing Up Great Kids parenting program, Darwin

Training delivered to more than 3000 professionals working with children and families to support them to run the Bringing Up Great Kids parenting program in their own communities.

Across the country, more than 3000 professionals who work with children and families have been trained in how to run the Bringing Up Great Kids parenting program. One of these workshops happened recently in Darwin and attracted 30 parenting educators, social workers, early childhood workers from as far as Katherine and Tiwi. These 30 professionals run parenting programs back in their own community for up to 10 people per group each year. From the group trained in Darwin, we expect that more than 450 parents will be supported over the next year.